
Ayrton Senna

I admire Ayrton Senna because he was a very famous F1 driver. He was the F1 world champion in 1988, 1990, and 1991. His was called “Young nobleman of speed and sound, and a genius”. I think there might not be another F1 driver that exceeds him. He was a first class driver but died in an accident at F1 Grand Prix while racing. He died at San Marino Grand Prix at the age of 34. I think that the Grand Prix should be abolished there because there are a lot of accidental deaths at San Marino. His distinguished services are very great though he died. In conclusion, I came to like F1 because there is a great man like Ayrton Senna.


My Busy Saturday and Sunday

I get very busy on Saturday and Sunday. I wake up at 6:00 A.M and I eat
breakfast before changing clothes. I take a bath from 7:00 to 7:30 A.M. After
that, I go to my part- time job from 8:00 to 4:00 or 10:00 to 6:00. I eat lunch
during the lunch time. After the job, I study chemistry and mathematics for
3 hours every day. Then, I eat dinner after taking a bath and I watch TV for
a few hours with my brother. This time is the only rest on those days.
Finally, I go to bed at 12:00. or 1:00 A.M. As you can see, I like my part- time
job but I want to rest on Saturday or Sunday.


Environmental Problems

There are several reasons why the environment is important. Environmental
problems are serious because life can become painful. Environmental
problems are serious so ecology activities are done all over the world.
As you can see environmental problems. In conclusion, environmental
problems is very complicated. Global warming, abnormal weather, ozone
depletion, acid rain and desertification are some examples of environmental
problems . Global warming and abnormal weather is caused by
heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxides. I think this cause is too much
car exhaust and many air conditioner. The solution for the problem is to
suppress the use of the car and the air conditioner. Ozone depletion is caused
by chlorofluorocarbon. Ultraviolet rays have increased by a large amount of
chlorofluorocarbon. This becomes the cause of skin cancer. I think that the
control of chlorofluorocarbon in the factory is necessary as a solution for the
problem. Acid rain cause is SOx NOx and this is caused by industrial activity
and volcanic activity. A solution for the problem is to control SOx and the
NOx from the factory. Desertification is caused by a lack of rain. The place
where this problem has happened is Africa. Desertification causes damage
such as a decrease in the output of farm products. A solution for the problem
is forestation but we cannot make rain. Therefore, I think that
desertification is the most serious environmental problems.